1. Introduction to go programming

1. Introduction to go programming

Go, also known as Golang, is a programming language created by Google to build efficient and scalable software. It is often used for web development, building networking and distributed systems, and for creating low-level software. Its simplicity and support for concurrency makes it a popular choice for many developers.

Today we are going to look at a simple Golang program.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

Package Declaration

The first line of our program is:

package main

In Go, every file belongs to a package. A package is a collection of related Go files that can be used together. The main package is a special package in Go. It is the package that contains the main function, which is the start of the program before it executes.

Import Statements

The next line of our program is:

import "fmt"

This line tells Go that we want to use the fmt package in our program. The fmt package provides functions for formatting and printing output. In Go, packages are imported using the import keyword, followed by the name of the package we want to import. In this case, we only need to import the fmt package to print output to the console.

Main Function

The next section of our program is:

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

This is the main function of our program. Every Go program must have a main function, which is the entry point for the program when it is run. The main function is defined using the func keyword, followed by the name of the function (main), and then a pair of parentheses and curly braces.

Inside the main function, we call the Println function from the fmt package to print the string "Hello, World!" to the console. The Println function takes a string as an argument, and prints that string followed by a newline character to the console.


That's a basic breakdown of each section of the Hello World program in Go. The program is simple, but it demonstrates how to use the fmt package to print output to the console, and how to define the main function as the entry point for the program.